
Articles Posted in prenup


Millennial Marriages: Prenups on the Rise

Prenuptial agreements are on the rise for  Generation Y individuals, or “Millennials”, according to recent reports in the news. What is it about this group that is lending itself to an uptick in prenups? The Millennial generation has many unique characteristics that may contribute to the want (or need) for…


Variations on a Prenup: Making Multigenerational Homeownership Work

I recently read a New York Times article addressing the growing trend of multigenerational households and the benefits of a so-called ‘prenup’ for this type of homeownership. The reasons for a contractual arrangement about home ownership for families can range from financial considerations to the added support in raising young…


Social Media & Marriage: Do We Need a Social Media Clause in our Prenup?

Social media is all around us. In today’s world, around-the-clock accessibility through social media has become the norm. It seems as if everyone is constantly updating their status or tagging their pictures so that we know exactly where they are and what they are doing. Couples are realizing that updates…


Prenup Negotiations: 5 Reasons the “art of the deal” is not a zero sum game when it comes to family.

High-stakes negotiations are often characterized as intense back-and-forth battles where only one party wins. The winner takes all while the other party may suffer a loss of both objectives and dignity. A loss of dignity in negotiations for a prenup can have a long-lasting effect on the relationship.   Negotiating a…


The Timing of the Prenup: Effective Discussions for a Lasting Agreement

One of the most common questions I receive from clients is how to bring up a prenuptial agreement with a future spouse. There is no uniform answer to this because every couple has its own dynamics, and a prenup conversation should reflect this. With that being said, there are some…


Digital Assets and Prenuptial Agreements

In today’s constantly connected world, the way we interact with one another has changed. Relationship milestones are now often celebrated through technology and are sometimes reached through technology itself. Becoming Facebook official sometimes marks the real beginning of a relationship. Sharing a Netflix password may signify that the relationship is…


Social Media & Divorce

Social media serves as an open journal or scrapbook for many people. It allows distant friends to reconnect, family members to keep in touch, and people to share accomplishments. However, social media has also become an easy way for people to get a window into someone’s hobbies, spending habits, and…


Challenging Maintenance Provisions in a Prenup: The Real “Big Bang”

Prenuptial agreements can include many different areas, including maintenance arrangements in the event of a divorce. Specific requirements and limitations on maintenance provisions vary from state-to-state. A celebrity prenup has recently come into the news because one spouse is challenging the maintenance provision of the agreement and requesting a modification.…


Prenup Durability and the Importance of Independent Counsel: The Ken Griffin Divorce Case

Ken Griffin, considered Illinois’ richest man and worth billions, has recently settled his divorce case right as the trial over his prenuptial agreement was set to begin. Griffin and his estranged wife have been in a divorce battle for over a year. The main issue was the validity of a…


Choosing an Attorney for your Prenup: Understanding the Value of an Experienced Attorney

The popularity of prenuptial agreements is on the rise for couples of all ages.  A prenup can be just as important to couples on their first marriage and in their 20’s and 30’s, as it is to individuals on a second or third marriage and in their 40’s, 50’s and…

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