Keep the children informed throughout the transition
First and foremost: make sure the children are kept in the loop. Age will definitely come into play here because the subject will be approached differently depending on the age of the children. Talk with the children about what will happen and when. It is always best if you and your former spouse present a unified front whenever possible.
Involve the children in the move-in and decorating process
Try to stick to the children’s routine as much as possible
It can be tough on kids to go from seeing a parent every day to seeing them on certain days of the week, but sticking to the child’s regular routine can help his or her comfort level in each parent’s home. During the week, try to maintain the pattern of homework, television time, etc. that has been kept in the family home. Even on the weekends, keeping something as simple as the child’s bedtime can help reinforce the idea that this isn’t just a “weekend home” – it is the child’s “home” (without any qualification).
Allow the children to keep in touch with the other parent
A way to maintain stability for the children is for both parents to continue to communicate with the child on a regular basis regardless of where they are residing. A normal issue during the divorce process is to address the frequency and manner of communication with a parent while the other parent is with the child. Some families come up with a certain schedule, phone/Skype hours, etc., but the important thing is to address this. Being in a new place can be scary for children, even with a parent there. Sometimes children just need the opportunity to call their mom or dad in order to feel more comfortable in their new second home.
Remember: It won’t happen overnight!
Don’t get discouraged if your children aren’t warming up to your new home as quickly as you’d like. The transition of a new home can be difficult for some children. That does not mean that they will not adapt, it will just take time. Children are going through the divorce process just like you and your former spouse, so a new home can add to the emotions they already have. However, if you keep open lines of communication and make sure your children know they can talk to you about their feelings, the process may be a little easier.